Monday, March 03, 2008

I so want to go sleep now, but i said that i would update, so here i am.

Went to clubhouse again (6th day in a row, might i add). This time was to help chien wen do some song recording. Wednesday was to pass photos to qiuyun, Thursday was for cheryl and huiyi drumming lesson, Friday was to meet mandy for my song, and both weekends for filming of SCC Movie.

Speaking of Friday, this very embarrassing situation happened to me. It was around 11p.m. already when i boarded the bus from ngee ann. As i went up the bus, something, like a speck of dust or sand, flew into my eye. It wasn't really painful or anything, just irritating. Ok, now imagine 2 scenarios:

1) I was looking down after tapping my card and furiously blinking my eye to get the intruder out of my eye.

2) A girl in front walks pass the first few empty seats, notices that the back of the bus was full, turns around and walks back to the front seat.

What happened was event 1 and 2 happened simultaneously, causing a forehead collision of epic proportions. One of her friend behind me went like,"你很好笑 leii 你."

I quickly scooted to the back of the bus after muttering apologies to save myself (and possibly the girl's) some face. It was like, so embarrassing can? In the end, after sitting down, i still can laugh to myself.

After all, how many friends do you know who have had this type of head banging incident?

Mandy's chord arrangement for my song is like "HOLYSHIT OWNAGE" nice! Okay, maybe i exaggerate a little, (yaya a lot, whatever), but the flow of the song is really really cool. Currently awaiting melody so i can fill in the lyrics.

My other song, which is done by steve, is done melody-wise. Funny thing about that was that i originally asked steve to play the chords mandy sent me before, and somehow or another, through chords changes here and there for convenience sake (mostly his..), it became a new song altogether. Has those kind of "touchy-touchy" feel.

Hopefully the lyrics won't be much of a letdown. Worked on it for a few days already. I can relate to the feel of the melody, and i know just what to write about, but i still have some problems writing it down in words. Looks like i'm not so literate after all.

An expression of one's own emotions. 手放开.


Here's a random tidbit for you. Go measure your fore finger (that's the first finger from your thumb) and your ring finger (third from your thumb).

Research has shown that people with a longer ring finger then their fore finger has the blueprints for a female body. Same goes for vice-versa.

That means if you have a longer ring finger, that means you have the genes-makeup, brain, thinking, etc.. of a female.

If you have a longer fore finger, that means you have the genes-makeup, brain, thinking, etc.. of a male instead.

That doesn't mean that if your a guy with a long ring finger, you're a gay or something like that. It just means that before birth, the original sketches for you indicated that you would be a girl. However, the sex-deciding factor (which i think is the XX-XY chromosomes thingys..) thought otherwise, therefore you poofed out as a boy.

So even though you have the body and soul makeup of a female, your young brain, though female inclined, is still sceptical to external factors. Countless sources of media, books and age-old parenting would mold your brain with the infomation of 'how a boy should behave'.

..that is, if i remember correctly what the tv show told me. =/


The Nut within the Shell 101:

Fact #13:

My all time favourite number is 13.

If restricted to single digits, then it would be 3.

Otherwise, it's the much tabooed 13.
